Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy 2009!
Of all the years previous, I feel this is the year God has challenged and grown us the most. I hope to say the same this time next year ;-) Johnny and I faced trials that challenged us as individuals as well as a couple and we learned not only to rely on God's guidance but also to rely more on each other. The trials brought us together and taught me valuable lessons on being a submissive and supportive wife.
As 2008 began we believed we had 8 short months to prepare to move out of the country. We were confident that God was calling us to serve as missionaries in Montreal. I still believe that God put that in our path to serve His purposes... for without such a huge event and trial, we would not have been able to trust in God's provision, to test our willingness to follow Him, or to learn valuable lessons that only strengthened our marriage. By March, the doors once open to Montreal had been very evidently closed. Sad as we were, we did not lose hope that God would open a door elsewhere and continued to pray. We knew in our hearts it was not Albuquerque and were open to wherever He may lead.
A couple months later, Johnny had the opportunity to talk to Levi about Fresh Life. Our hearts always yearned to be here serving the valley and serving alongside some of our best friends but there was never a need for us to join them. We refused to come here just to be with friends; we wanted to be an active part of a ministry. Through the conversation we learned that there was a need! After prayer and consideration we decided that this was were God had us. We could work and serve in Montana and allow God to continue to open doors of opportunity for both of us. We would pack up!
In the meantime, I graduated from college with my BBA in Entrepreneurial Studies and Management. 4 long years but it was finished! I made a commitment that I would not let being married young hinder my education, the education that I feel God had blessed me with due to a scholarship, and that I would finish despite so many people convinced I would drop out. Well I didn't! I feels good to say I have completed what I set out to do and even now I can see how God is using it in our lives by allowing me to get a good job here in the valley that I would not have been able to get without a degree. We also took a vacation to Napa and San Francisco with Johnny's family in June to attend the wedding of his cousin. I love to travel so this was a great opportunity to go out and have a fun family vacation!
We arrived in Montana on June 18th. Johnny's parents got to see the valley and my family came up a few months later. It has been a whirlwind of activity since we arrived! We have done so much from the Active summer camp, to movie nights, baptisms, teaching opportunities, fun events, girls events, staff meetings, and so much more! You never fully grasp how busy you truly will be while being involved in a young church. And we are not even as busy as some here! It has been absolutely great! More doors have opened, Johnny was put on staff as the Assistant youth pastor and helps Coy with all things Active and he also ran the OCC collections. He's also getting a lot more opportunities to teach! I have been working and helping where I can.
It has been 6.5 months since we moved here. We love it! We love the town, the area, the people, the church! We even love the snow! It's amazing how quickly you adjust. It's still cold but it's not as cold as you would imagine. We miss our family and friends of course... so just let us know when you want to visit ;-)
The holidays were different for us this year. We just hung out with staff and a few other friends. We missed our families but it was nice just being able to go one place and stay there. It was very relaxing and fun! I think that's what holiday's are supposed to feel like.
As 2009 approaches, just a few more hours, I know God will be doing so much more! There are already a couple things on the horizon that are super exciting. It will mean tons more work but that's the exciting part! We will have adjustments and challenges I know, but I love seeing what God is doing in the small valley I now call home. So on that note, Happy New Year to all. I hope God does great and moving things in your life this year and I hope you all seek to have a deeper relationship with Him. Enjoy the fireworks!!!! (Kalispell lights off fireworks on New Years!)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
So much SNOW!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Return of the butterfly paddle.
suga suga
Kimport Kookies
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mountain in a parking lot
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Oh tannebaum!
Christmas Glitter!

Though not finished, but she still had 10 days until Santa would be there! Still some ornaments to hang from the ceiling and a back porch to clean so the tree could be moved back into place,

But at least the stockings had already been hung from the window sill with care.

Ok, so I'm not a poet... I'll leave that to my sister and get down to business. This year decorating the house was odd. Which makes being away from home just that much more difficult. When it comes to Christmas, I love tradition! I always decorate the day after Thanksgiving... ALWAYS! But this year, it was a little different. We started a new tradition going out and cutting down a real tree- except the kick-off year of this tradition had me alone instead of with my other half. It was a great time being with friends but hopefully on our second annual year, my husband will actually be able to be there! This threw me off because I always want to wait for him to decorate and he didn't even get off that Sunday night until 10! I tried to stay up but it just didn't suit. So we waited until Monday to see what we'd do. My husband works hard, so I can't blame him, but he just doesn't seem to be feeling it this season. I ended up decorating the tree while watching Lost on on DVD and my husband looking on relaxing on the couch. No Christmas music or movie to get us into the season. It was late that night too (the result of both working) and instead of decorating everything at once, much got forgotten. So over the last two weeks I've been trying to finish but can't see to find the time to get things accomplished. I bought some new ornaments for our strangely barren tree. The red leaves/hearts and the gold ones with gold glitter are new but I still needed more. How did I have so few? We left all figurines off the tree this year to appreciate one more Christmas with ornaments that will break when little hands try to appreciate. Our tree will one day become more family friendly but until then no popcorn garland will grace these branches! And still it isn't finished... I don't have tacks, plastic ornaments, or ribbon so the ornaments won't get hung from the ceiling. Once it gets into the negatives, travelling out of doors for such things is not very inspiring. I have an Active party to coordinate and Christmas shopping to finish.... looks like I will be one of the many last minutes shoppers this year! I still have to bake and I have no eggnog. Is Christmas really just 10 days away?

Emma's 2nd Birthday!
Well Emma loves goofy. And so since I got to make her cake for her birthday, I just wanted it to be so cool! I had a hard week emotionally and physically just being sick and all. I stressed and contemplated how to make things easier on myself. I was trying and trying to simplify the cake, but everytime I minimized the ideas in my head they just seemed LAME! I just wanted this little girl to LOVE her cake. So I got over myself and just did what I planned all along.

Thanks to Eric Melzer for the last 3 shots- they have better color and angles than the ones I took. The party was fun too! Everything was Mickey Mouse clubhouse style. Sara worked so hard to make it special. Tons of decor, fun special food, goody bags for kids, and it just looked awesome! Even though it was mostly adults- we all embraced the disney culture and it was fun to see all of us chilling on the couch (including/mostly guys) watching The Little Mermaid.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
It stuck!
Ambiance and Atmosphere
Friday, December 5, 2008
Happy Birthday My Love!
Happy Birthday My Love. Enjoy the Sushi tonight!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh Christmas Tree!
It was really fun! Johnny and I had bought a fancy tree holder earlier so when I got home I just had to wait for him to come home the the base so we could decorate!
Well, he got home pretty late and we didn't have Christmas lights (things you forget when you tree is pre-lighted) so we just put the tree up and fill the base with water. Well we got the nice one that has a little pour spout for easy watering and Johnny decided he didn't want to pay much attention to that. He was looking in the top trying to fill it all the way up (the spout is half way down) and the water just started pouring out everywhere! Thankfully it was just the water and soaked up fast. So finally after waiting all day (really 3 days since I normally set up the day after Thanksgiving) Johnny brought home some lights and we got to put all the ornaments up! I'm used to a really full tree so I'm going to have to buy some plumes or berries or something to give the tree a little more richness. I love Christmas!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy Birthday
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Staff Thanksgiving!
Dinner was at Elisha and Carrie's casa and they did their best to make it beautiful, and they did a great job! It was much more stunning that I imagined it would be or I would have done were it my house. We had placecards and napkin rings and fancy goblets for our water or tea. It was absolutely lovely. The table had tea lights and golden glittered pinecones with little chocolates all about. Everyone brought a dish and everything was delicious. Sara even made the turkey that Elisha won last Friday! It was so great!
Coupon Extravaganza
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Move it move it!
A little fun before active OCC. I bit of a dance party slash disco line or something. Look at the things the Trammels start!
Active thanksgiving
Thursday, November 20, 2008
First time up front.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Decorating for Christmas
Christmas time is fast approaching, 35 more days I think, but Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet. For almost all holidays, I hate when they pull out the goods to be sold long before they're due. Like selling for Valentines the day after Christmas and Easter baskets the day after Valentines and so on and so forth. But there is one holiday that I am always excited to see, CHRISTMAS! So many believe it shouldn't even be talked about until at least the day after Thanksgiving but not me. Here in Kalispell at work I listen to live streaming of Magic 99.5, a radio station in Albuquerque that has been playing Christmas music earlier and earlier. It's all they play from now until Christmas. I will also say that it brings joy to my heart that my new town is as equally excited about Christmas as I am! On Sunday, as we drove to church, I saw that the mall had put up some wreaths and decor and I was fairly excited about that. However, it wasn't too surprising... even in ABQ the malls got decorated. But last night, again as we drove toward church, I noticed EVERY single lightpost had garland, lights, and red bows! And they are just getting started! Yay for small town life! I can't wait for the first snow and to see all the garland up and the lights shining! This lamp post was right outside the strand.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Babysitting Emma.
She is so incredibly smart! She's not even 2 yet and she can say her ABC's, Count past 10, know's her colors, and can recite books from memory. She was doing better before and once she realized I was filming she kinda started acting silly. This book is called Jamberry I think and it's about different kinds of berries. I so love this little girl!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Beef stew
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Depth girls fun night!
Girls are not necessarily dainty little flowers that only nibble on veggies and sit quietly... ESPECIALLY not mid-school girls. The girls downed 4 medium pizza hut pizza's, tons of Capri suns, a whole tray of candy bar brownies, two bags of popcorn, a tray of apples and caramel, plus tons of candy all in a 2.5 hr period as we watched Pride and Prejudice (with Keira Knightley) and some played card games. It snowed a bit outside while we hung out too, which added to the excitement. Oh and we all rocked pajama's. Does it get any better?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
so many headlights
It's Snowing!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Their Patriotic Duty.
Too bad their vote didn't mean anything since Montana didn't even ever get colored in on the broadcast of the elections on November 4th.