Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Birthday My Love!

Today is Johnny's 23 birthday. It's hard to believe that we've know each other almost 5 years. We met when we had both just turned 18. We've experienced so much in these 5 years it's hard to believe. From Mission trips to Hungary, Mexico, Macedonia, and Montreal, to getting married, going through school, changing schools, changing jobs, almost moving to Montreal, moving to Montana, working in various elements of Ministry, traveling to LA, San Fran, Montana, etc. we have had so many little adventures. Through these 5 years, God has shown us much and grown us. God has been using Johnny in so many ways. He has been getting to teach in Active, something he has such a heart for, as well as help out with OCC and other ministries around the church. We love our students and our new home and how God is using this to mold us more into what He desires for us. I'm excited to embark on another year with Johnny, and another and another and another! I cherish my life with you.

Happy Birthday My Love. Enjoy the Sushi tonight!


Mandypenny said...

That is so crazy. It blows my mind that you guys were 18 when you met and 19 when you got married haha. But it has been a wonderful thing to see. Your relationship is such a blessing and testament. Thank you guys for being so awesome! And Happy Birthday Brother!

Martha said...

Happy Birthday, Johnny!
Enjoy the adventure!!!