Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Babysitting Emma.

She is so incredibly smart! She's not even 2 yet and she can say her ABC's, Count past 10, know's her colors, and can recite books from memory. She was doing better before and once she realized I was filming she kinda started acting silly. This book is called Jamberry I think and it's about different kinds of berries. I so love this little girl!


Jake Bramante said...

That's hilarious. It's so funny how they imitate us olda kids huh? You can tell that those that read to her use lots of voice fluctuations.

Doug and Amanda said...

Yay for parents who actually raise their kids! That's really sweet. I can't believe how big she is now!

Martha said...

There is a lot more going on in those little minds than most people would like to believe.

Very cute.