It's funny... in 8 months I will be living in a city that gets several feet of snow all winter long. They have mastered the art of road clearing and, even if it is Icy, regular things rarely shut down. Just tough it out- It snows in Montreal and life can't stop because of it.
Yesterday it snowed MAYBE an inch and that's pushing it. It came spontaneously at midnight for about an hour and then it was over. Nothing I would regularly be concerned about.... This little bit of snow caused a little bit of ice... again nothing that I would think should be that influencing on the world of ABQ's daily activities. But I was wrong! They shut down APS and Rio Rancho school districts and gave UNM, Sandia Nat'l Labs, and many other places 2-hour delays. It's ridiculous! I know now why so many New Mexicans never go North- they wouldn't know what to do with themselves!
I did get out of going to pilates, which was nice only because I didn't want to wear workout clothes in the cold and I got to make a nice breakfast of waffles, bacon, and orange juice.
Crazy Albuquerqueans
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sicko Dos!
Just an update...
I don't think it ever escalated to what I'd consider flu status so I guess it was just a cold. It pretty much knocked me out of commission for 3 days though... YUCK! It was like a wave of symptoms. The first day just a sore throat, day 2 a cough and sore throat, day 3 it moved to my chest and that's when it started to get bad, over the next 2 days ( so a total of 5 days of sickness so far) it really filled my lungs and I was wheezing, coughing, sneezing, etc. No fever or nausea, mainly sinus and throat. Yesterday I had a migraine all day- you know- that sinus tension. I'm never sick so it's really weird for me to be this way. I don't know how to rest. I watched movies all day and tried to read and move around (even though mostly I was too weak to do much of anything) when I should have had the TV off and just slept. Oh well. Today, or yesterday i guess technically, I've been much better. I don't feel nearly as horrible! I just have coughing fits every 30 minutes or so where it pretty much feels like I'm am literally going to cough out my lung. Fun, huh? I just hope it completely clears up- usually whatever ends up in my lungs hangs out for awhile and I end up with coughing fits for a couple months for no reason. Being sick sucks!
I don't think it ever escalated to what I'd consider flu status so I guess it was just a cold. It pretty much knocked me out of commission for 3 days though... YUCK! It was like a wave of symptoms. The first day just a sore throat, day 2 a cough and sore throat, day 3 it moved to my chest and that's when it started to get bad, over the next 2 days ( so a total of 5 days of sickness so far) it really filled my lungs and I was wheezing, coughing, sneezing, etc. No fever or nausea, mainly sinus and throat. Yesterday I had a migraine all day- you know- that sinus tension. I'm never sick so it's really weird for me to be this way. I don't know how to rest. I watched movies all day and tried to read and move around (even though mostly I was too weak to do much of anything) when I should have had the TV off and just slept. Oh well. Today, or yesterday i guess technically, I've been much better. I don't feel nearly as horrible! I just have coughing fits every 30 minutes or so where it pretty much feels like I'm am literally going to cough out my lung. Fun, huh? I just hope it completely clears up- usually whatever ends up in my lungs hangs out for awhile and I end up with coughing fits for a couple months for no reason. Being sick sucks!
Monday, January 21, 2008
ya that's me, It's not too bad yet thank goodness! I was just peachy on Saturday, Sunday my throat was just a tad scratchy, and today I sound like a man. The only thing that comes to mind is Stacia Cruz's man voice. Heelllloooo.... definitely have to know her for that to even remotely be funny.
Mostly this just sucks that I'm getting sick because I start school TOMORROW. My first class is pilates and it's not the kind where you show up, get the syllabus and dart. No, we WILL be doing exercises tomorrow. I'm praying that this scratchy throat is it and I'll be better by the morning. My dad got sick and had a fever and everything... I'm a little worried I caught it. Pray I'll get better... I really want to hit the ground running for school!
Mostly this just sucks that I'm getting sick because I start school TOMORROW. My first class is pilates and it's not the kind where you show up, get the syllabus and dart. No, we WILL be doing exercises tomorrow. I'm praying that this scratchy throat is it and I'll be better by the morning. My dad got sick and had a fever and everything... I'm a little worried I caught it. Pray I'll get better... I really want to hit the ground running for school!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Support for Montreal
You are now able support us through the Global Adventures website ( and under "support a missionary" find our name and put in the amount you would like to give. It's fast, easy, and secure.
Kickin it at the JCC
Jewish Community Center that is...
It may look like a new year's resolution but don't worry, it's not. It just so happened that they offered a great deal around the new year- 90 days for $90. You just can't beat that! So Johnny and I decided with such a great deal we should try to get up off our butts and do something with ourselves.
It's been great! I'm still not a go everyday person but since we signed up a 9 days ago I've been 4 times. That's pretty good for me and I'm already feeling pretty good. I'm tired earlier, but that's probably a good thing since I've been having a difficult time sleeping. I'm hoping to be able to do a few of their workout classes (they're included in the price) and we even had a personal trainer do a consultation with us and walk us through the best way to exercise. Even if I don't get quick results, at least my body is feeling better!
It may look like a new year's resolution but don't worry, it's not. It just so happened that they offered a great deal around the new year- 90 days for $90. You just can't beat that! So Johnny and I decided with such a great deal we should try to get up off our butts and do something with ourselves.
It's been great! I'm still not a go everyday person but since we signed up a 9 days ago I've been 4 times. That's pretty good for me and I'm already feeling pretty good. I'm tired earlier, but that's probably a good thing since I've been having a difficult time sleeping. I'm hoping to be able to do a few of their workout classes (they're included in the price) and we even had a personal trainer do a consultation with us and walk us through the best way to exercise. Even if I don't get quick results, at least my body is feeling better!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
My legs hurt!
We went snowboarding on Sunday! We haven't been in 2 years! This was only my second time and while I've picked it up pretty naturally I still have my couple of wipe outs. I broke my leg skiing when I was 8 because I lost control when I was going too fast and I still have that fear that I might lose control again. I can carve and as long as I stay kinda slow I can stay up but the second I point my board straight down the mountain and start going too fast I freak out, flip my board around to the front, heel edge, and then fall. So pretty much my whole body hurts...
Only 4 of us went, Johnny and I took Joslyn Chavez and Nikki (she's visiting from Belize) up with us. Both of them had never been before but they seemed to have a fun enough time. Nikki got altitude sickness right away and has pretty much decided she's never going again.
Johnny was so stoked to be up there. I finally stopped at around 2:30 and told him to just go have fun and in an hour and a half he hit every single lift and almost all the runs. He had such a goofy smile it was so cute!
I wanted to post pictures on here but I left my phone in the car. I was kinda afraid that I would fall and break my new phone and I didn't want that, so you are now deprived, sorry!
Only 4 of us went, Johnny and I took Joslyn Chavez and Nikki (she's visiting from Belize) up with us. Both of them had never been before but they seemed to have a fun enough time. Nikki got altitude sickness right away and has pretty much decided she's never going again.
Johnny was so stoked to be up there. I finally stopped at around 2:30 and told him to just go have fun and in an hour and a half he hit every single lift and almost all the runs. He had such a goofy smile it was so cute!
I wanted to post pictures on here but I left my phone in the car. I was kinda afraid that I would fall and break my new phone and I didn't want that, so you are now deprived, sorry!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
It's a Sweet Business
Slowly creeping up on me
Bought my books for school yesterday. Probably the fewest number of books I've ever had to get and yet it still is going to cost me about $250. I hate how the education system just wants your money. It's scary though, one more week until I begin the last semester of my college career. I just might make it!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Ok, so let me start out by saying we are, and have always been, users of technology that seems to make life a little easier. Let me be more clear... Ever since we even started a bank account for ourselves, we have ALWAYS used debit cards! It's easy and all you have to do is make sure you don't hit Zero!
Well, we have decide that since we are moving, we need to be wiser about how we use our money. We are going to try the envelope system... For many reasons really but the two most important are so we can save for expenses we may encounter with our move and transition (or have money for when we come back) and so that we can learn how to spend with a purpose and wisely instead on everything we think we need. Basically a strict budget for how much we're going to spend on groceries, gas, savings, etc. We've never exactly been extravagant in our spending but this will definitely help us to think twice about what we're spending our money on to make sure that's really the best use because once the envelopes are empty we have to wait until the next pay cycle. I've known many who say this idea is the BEST at keeping you on track and helping you save large amounts.
The scary part is really just getting used to it. I'm used to driving down the road and thinking "man I'd really love a vanilla latte" and just swiping my card to get it. I can still have a vanilla latte but it just means I have to have the cash on me to get it or drive all the way home to grab some cash or even realize that the cash is meant for our date night and if I spend it on a latte then I won't get to go somewhere nice. It's just weird! However, I am so stoked to see if it works and if it transforms our spending habits or if we even have the self discipline to stick with it.
Well, we have decide that since we are moving, we need to be wiser about how we use our money. We are going to try the envelope system... For many reasons really but the two most important are so we can save for expenses we may encounter with our move and transition (or have money for when we come back) and so that we can learn how to spend with a purpose and wisely instead on everything we think we need. Basically a strict budget for how much we're going to spend on groceries, gas, savings, etc. We've never exactly been extravagant in our spending but this will definitely help us to think twice about what we're spending our money on to make sure that's really the best use because once the envelopes are empty we have to wait until the next pay cycle. I've known many who say this idea is the BEST at keeping you on track and helping you save large amounts.
The scary part is really just getting used to it. I'm used to driving down the road and thinking "man I'd really love a vanilla latte" and just swiping my card to get it. I can still have a vanilla latte but it just means I have to have the cash on me to get it or drive all the way home to grab some cash or even realize that the cash is meant for our date night and if I spend it on a latte then I won't get to go somewhere nice. It's just weird! However, I am so stoked to see if it works and if it transforms our spending habits or if we even have the self discipline to stick with it.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Feeling the changes
It's funny really, how quickly the realization of a new change in your life can effect you...
We have 7 1/2 months until we drive cross country to our new home. I've been reading all these books on support, sending, and missionary life and many of the concepts or problems they discuss I think are really important, however, they don't much apply to me. How quickly I am becoming aware of my error. Like loneliness for example... I felt that was probably for missionaries who were going out to Timbuktu and had no one to talk to; I'm not going to have that problem because I already know some people and I can easily email, right? And yet, already, my insecurity (and Satan's attack) begins to creep up on me and I begin to feel all alone, that none of my friends could care less about me or my life, and that even those closest to me are indifferent. I know this is foolish but it's odd to see that loneliness creep up already!
I really am ready for change, and excited for this new chapter, but God is definitely teaching me patience and to not try and control everything but let Him take care of it. I sometimes think it would be easier if we could just leave now (I know that would come with it's own trials) but I know God is going to teach me some pretty important things over these next many months. Especially how to get along with people who do not share my fervor or desire for efficiency or are just plain different than I am. I will definitely need that! I like organization, planning ahead, structure, efficiency, quick response, and many other things that people that are gifted in Administration desire; I am moving to work with a group that may not value any of these things at all. AND THAT'S GREAT! We are all important parts of the body and have our different gifts, I can see though that God is already trying to teach me to be flexible, relaxed, and ready to work with anyone He brings to me. It's kinda funny to see how Satan attacks different people in different ways... Kelli seems to be getting physical and some emotional strains on her life that are making things difficult... I always seem to be attack psychologically through relationships (It's all in my head essentially)
Pray for me! I'm definitely feeling some frustration, confusion, like I have no idea what to do next and I need God's strength to persevere on to the calling He has brought into our lives. Pray for my family as well, Abby (my 8 yr old sis) just keeps begging me not to go every time I see her and it makes it really hard. Also pray that support will come in for us- this is definitely a time of faith and it's hard to get scared sometimes. I was looking back at last summer and how we had to come up with 3000 for Johnny and I to go 2 weeks and remembering how difficult that was, yet even though it was hard, God did provide and we still went. That's how I have to remember to look at things, even though it may be difficult- God is faithful!
In Him,
We have 7 1/2 months until we drive cross country to our new home. I've been reading all these books on support, sending, and missionary life and many of the concepts or problems they discuss I think are really important, however, they don't much apply to me. How quickly I am becoming aware of my error. Like loneliness for example... I felt that was probably for missionaries who were going out to Timbuktu and had no one to talk to; I'm not going to have that problem because I already know some people and I can easily email, right? And yet, already, my insecurity (and Satan's attack) begins to creep up on me and I begin to feel all alone, that none of my friends could care less about me or my life, and that even those closest to me are indifferent. I know this is foolish but it's odd to see that loneliness creep up already!
I really am ready for change, and excited for this new chapter, but God is definitely teaching me patience and to not try and control everything but let Him take care of it. I sometimes think it would be easier if we could just leave now (I know that would come with it's own trials) but I know God is going to teach me some pretty important things over these next many months. Especially how to get along with people who do not share my fervor or desire for efficiency or are just plain different than I am. I will definitely need that! I like organization, planning ahead, structure, efficiency, quick response, and many other things that people that are gifted in Administration desire; I am moving to work with a group that may not value any of these things at all. AND THAT'S GREAT! We are all important parts of the body and have our different gifts, I can see though that God is already trying to teach me to be flexible, relaxed, and ready to work with anyone He brings to me. It's kinda funny to see how Satan attacks different people in different ways... Kelli seems to be getting physical and some emotional strains on her life that are making things difficult... I always seem to be attack psychologically through relationships (It's all in my head essentially)
Pray for me! I'm definitely feeling some frustration, confusion, like I have no idea what to do next and I need God's strength to persevere on to the calling He has brought into our lives. Pray for my family as well, Abby (my 8 yr old sis) just keeps begging me not to go every time I see her and it makes it really hard. Also pray that support will come in for us- this is definitely a time of faith and it's hard to get scared sometimes. I was looking back at last summer and how we had to come up with 3000 for Johnny and I to go 2 weeks and remembering how difficult that was, yet even though it was hard, God did provide and we still went. That's how I have to remember to look at things, even though it may be difficult- God is faithful!
In Him,
Thursday, January 3, 2008
So it's been a while, this is the first post of the new year! My little holiday has been wonderful. I've slept a lot, knitted a beanie (didn't turn out that great), read the Sun also Rises by Hemingway, got our support letter finished, and watched a ton of movies. Yet even after all that, I'm still not excited to be back at work. I can't wait for a change in atmospheres.

Johnny and I got very spoiled this Christmas. I think it's probably becuase everyone knows it's pretty much our last one here for awhile and we spoiled each other since we probably won't have the money to do it for a LONG time. Johnny got me makeup from Sephora, a new chocolate phone, a snowboard with boots and bindings, and my parents (on boths sides actually) got me boots! Johnny got the wii finally with a couple extra games and controllers, some movies, and then a bunch of little things. We've never gotten this much so it was really nice but now that we're back to the real world I start to wonder if maybe we were just a tad frivolous.

Johnny and I got very spoiled this Christmas. I think it's probably becuase everyone knows it's pretty much our last one here for awhile and we spoiled each other since we probably won't have the money to do it for a LONG time. Johnny got me makeup from Sephora, a new chocolate phone, a snowboard with boots and bindings, and my parents (on boths sides actually) got me boots! Johnny got the wii finally with a couple extra games and controllers, some movies, and then a bunch of little things. We've never gotten this much so it was really nice but now that we're back to the real world I start to wonder if maybe we were just a tad frivolous.

I need to write more often so I can just make little blurbs instead of writing novels everytime I'm on here. Hey and if anyone knows how to blog from your phone, do you want to teach me? I really want to but I can't seem to figure it out.
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