And of course, now that we're moving they are putting one on this side of town. We never went before because it involved driving to the west side.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
They're HERE!
CONGRATULATIONS Asher and Sally on the birth of your two beautiful boys. I can't wait to see them and I'm so happy that everything went well and they are nice and healthy.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Planter box
Oh gosh! I didn't even remember that i had flowers this pretty in my planter. It is a lily. I knew that. I just didn't remember what color it was and that it was going to be so vibrant!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Cake III final
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I was tagged!
The five things about me Me
I was tagged by my cousin Bethany a long time ago and finally had some time to do this.
What I was doing ten years ago: (I was 12)
1. Living with my nan.
2. Being homeschooled for my 6th grade year.
3. Singing "My heart will go on" over and over and over
4. trying to figure out if I wanted to be girly or a tomboy.
5. babysitting my little siblings
5 things on my to-do list today (or tomorrow)
1. spackle the holes in my walls
2. buy primer to paint the walls.
3. set up and do a garage sale.
4. Job/house hunt.
5. eat green chili chicken enchiladas.
5 snacks I enjoy
1. ice cream
2. chips and salsa/guacamole
3. mangos
4. cookies
5. crackers
5 favorite ice cream flavors
1. Mint chocolate chip
2. coffee
3. cherry garcia
4. moose tracks
5. lemon sorbet with rasberries
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: in no particular order!
1. Travel to Europe and live there for 6 months experiencing the culture.
2. Buy a big beautiful house
3. Give to my missionary buddies all over the world.
4. Go to DISNEYWORLD. Over and over again.
5. Take Johnny to see a Boston red sox game.
5 bad habits
1. placing trash ontop of the garbage lid instead of putting it in the can.
2. Going for a week and a half before cleaning my kitchen.
3. Planning, planning, planning.
4. talking with my mouth full.
5. asking too many questions and expecting answers even if they don't know the answer yet.
5 places I've lived
1. Phoenix, Az
2. Indiana
3. Albuquerque
4. Edgewood, NM
5. Whichita Falls, Tx
6. Soon Kalispell, MT
5 jobs I’ve had
1. Nanny for 3 adorable little girls back when I was in High School.
2. Sandia BMW- lots and lots of VIN filing.
3. Sandia National Labs- Student intern for 4 years
4. Some volunteer work for a high school youth group
5. More volunteer work for a Christian college group
5 People I'll tag
1. My Mom, Kim
2. Amanda Standridge
3. Sara/Coy Trammel
4. Kelli Ohea
5. Alaina Guido
I was tagged by my cousin Bethany a long time ago and finally had some time to do this.
What I was doing ten years ago: (I was 12)
1. Living with my nan.
2. Being homeschooled for my 6th grade year.
3. Singing "My heart will go on" over and over and over
4. trying to figure out if I wanted to be girly or a tomboy.
5. babysitting my little siblings
5 things on my to-do list today (or tomorrow)
1. spackle the holes in my walls
2. buy primer to paint the walls.
3. set up and do a garage sale.
4. Job/house hunt.
5. eat green chili chicken enchiladas.
5 snacks I enjoy
1. ice cream
2. chips and salsa/guacamole
3. mangos
4. cookies
5. crackers
5 favorite ice cream flavors
1. Mint chocolate chip
2. coffee
3. cherry garcia
4. moose tracks
5. lemon sorbet with rasberries
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire: in no particular order!
1. Travel to Europe and live there for 6 months experiencing the culture.
2. Buy a big beautiful house
3. Give to my missionary buddies all over the world.
4. Go to DISNEYWORLD. Over and over again.
5. Take Johnny to see a Boston red sox game.
5 bad habits
1. placing trash ontop of the garbage lid instead of putting it in the can.
2. Going for a week and a half before cleaning my kitchen.
3. Planning, planning, planning.
4. talking with my mouth full.
5. asking too many questions and expecting answers even if they don't know the answer yet.
5 places I've lived
1. Phoenix, Az
2. Indiana
3. Albuquerque
4. Edgewood, NM
5. Whichita Falls, Tx
6. Soon Kalispell, MT
5 jobs I’ve had
1. Nanny for 3 adorable little girls back when I was in High School.
2. Sandia BMW- lots and lots of VIN filing.
3. Sandia National Labs- Student intern for 4 years
4. Some volunteer work for a high school youth group
5. More volunteer work for a Christian college group
5 People I'll tag
1. My Mom, Kim
2. Amanda Standridge
3. Sara/Coy Trammel
4. Kelli Ohea
5. Alaina Guido
Monday, May 19, 2008
It's done, now to move onto the next
thing I need to accomplish.
I graduated Saturday. The countdown until that day has finally been completed. I can officially say I never have to go to class again. All pretty good feelings!
It was an incredibly busy, but fun, weekend. I took off early on Friday and went to my mom's house where I helped for awhile with figuring out decor for my party and the cake, it probably wasn't as productive as it should have been but I wasn't really in the mood to be that productive that day and everything was accomplished before the party so it obviously wasn't a big deal. My real dad, from Arizona, flew in and took Mandy, Johnny, and I to the melting pot for dinner. It was SO good! It's the last time we're going to go there before we move so I enjoyed every bite! We usually go to dinner with my dad when he comes in but it's always restaurants that are loud and where you can get in and out in an hour, so this was good because we actually had some time to talk.
We woke up bright and early on Saturday. We had to go pick up several things before we got started decorating so we went grabbed ourselves some delicious Pike's Place to wake us up and headed down to the Nuanes house to pick up a lot of the food for the party. Loretta made Green Chili Chicken Cheese Enchiladas and they were amazing. She made Johnny and I a casserole specifically for us as well (I need to go get it from her fridge). After that we went to my mom's and strung white lights all across the backyard and hung some red accents from the strands. It looked really cool. We also helped clean up the house and take care of all the other stuff that needed to happen. Then I went to get ready for the graduation. You know, it kinda felt similar to my wedding day. Not the immense joy of marrying my husband, but the running around from place to place to finalize all the last minute touches, rushing to go get ready, and hoping that you remembered everything you need! Which, in fact, we didn't. Sadly, we forgot our camera. :-( I know my family took a lot of pictures but who knows when I'll get my hands on those. So no pictures today friends. We also forgot my card box and a change of shoes for the after-party. None of which were that big a deal, but I hate forgetting things. As usual, we were running out the door at the last minute and I was a little late for sign-in. Thankfully, most of us "college graduates" are slackers and showed up at the last minute!
The convocation was long, be glad you weren't there! A good experience but none the less... Lets just say that we were all business students, not communication students, for a very good reason. Our key note speaker was terrible and the Masters Valedictorian was a computer nerd. However, the valedictorian for the BBA's was really good. She focused her speech not on how we need to change the world, but on how we need to not forget the relationships around us and focus most of our efforts on developing those. She was married and going to give birth in 6 weeks and I, being that I am married, thought it was really great that she accomplished that because I'm sure she probably got the same flack that I did about not being able to finish if I got married.
The party was fun, all the Garcia family showed up... a real surprise actually. I really only expected my nan so to have my aunts and uncles there was a shock, but pleasant. It was mostly older friends and friends of my family that came. Thank you Gramanita for that really cool graduation collage! The only friend that showed was Nikki Sandoval as she was jumping from grad party to grad party- I thank her for that. Thanks Gonzalez's for thinking about coming even though it was too late. So it was a little sad but at the same time I understand kinda. I know others had other family members graduation parties to attend. I also thank Sara Trammel for remembering and sending me that text, she was the only one! I love you Sara! I guess it just made me realize that most of my ties here really have been severed and I'm ready to move on to my next adventure! So now it's time to move on, graduation is over so now it's full speed ahead with packing. I leave in 29 days but really only have 3 weeks to pack and be ready to go. Time for the craziness!
I graduated Saturday. The countdown until that day has finally been completed. I can officially say I never have to go to class again. All pretty good feelings!
It was an incredibly busy, but fun, weekend. I took off early on Friday and went to my mom's house where I helped for awhile with figuring out decor for my party and the cake, it probably wasn't as productive as it should have been but I wasn't really in the mood to be that productive that day and everything was accomplished before the party so it obviously wasn't a big deal. My real dad, from Arizona, flew in and took Mandy, Johnny, and I to the melting pot for dinner. It was SO good! It's the last time we're going to go there before we move so I enjoyed every bite! We usually go to dinner with my dad when he comes in but it's always restaurants that are loud and where you can get in and out in an hour, so this was good because we actually had some time to talk.
We woke up bright and early on Saturday. We had to go pick up several things before we got started decorating so we went grabbed ourselves some delicious Pike's Place to wake us up and headed down to the Nuanes house to pick up a lot of the food for the party. Loretta made Green Chili Chicken Cheese Enchiladas and they were amazing. She made Johnny and I a casserole specifically for us as well (I need to go get it from her fridge). After that we went to my mom's and strung white lights all across the backyard and hung some red accents from the strands. It looked really cool. We also helped clean up the house and take care of all the other stuff that needed to happen. Then I went to get ready for the graduation. You know, it kinda felt similar to my wedding day. Not the immense joy of marrying my husband, but the running around from place to place to finalize all the last minute touches, rushing to go get ready, and hoping that you remembered everything you need! Which, in fact, we didn't. Sadly, we forgot our camera. :-( I know my family took a lot of pictures but who knows when I'll get my hands on those. So no pictures today friends. We also forgot my card box and a change of shoes for the after-party. None of which were that big a deal, but I hate forgetting things. As usual, we were running out the door at the last minute and I was a little late for sign-in. Thankfully, most of us "college graduates" are slackers and showed up at the last minute!
The convocation was long, be glad you weren't there! A good experience but none the less... Lets just say that we were all business students, not communication students, for a very good reason. Our key note speaker was terrible and the Masters Valedictorian was a computer nerd. However, the valedictorian for the BBA's was really good. She focused her speech not on how we need to change the world, but on how we need to not forget the relationships around us and focus most of our efforts on developing those. She was married and going to give birth in 6 weeks and I, being that I am married, thought it was really great that she accomplished that because I'm sure she probably got the same flack that I did about not being able to finish if I got married.
The party was fun, all the Garcia family showed up... a real surprise actually. I really only expected my nan so to have my aunts and uncles there was a shock, but pleasant. It was mostly older friends and friends of my family that came. Thank you Gramanita for that really cool graduation collage! The only friend that showed was Nikki Sandoval as she was jumping from grad party to grad party- I thank her for that. Thanks Gonzalez's for thinking about coming even though it was too late. So it was a little sad but at the same time I understand kinda. I know others had other family members graduation parties to attend. I also thank Sara Trammel for remembering and sending me that text, she was the only one! I love you Sara! I guess it just made me realize that most of my ties here really have been severed and I'm ready to move on to my next adventure! So now it's time to move on, graduation is over so now it's full speed ahead with packing. I leave in 29 days but really only have 3 weeks to pack and be ready to go. Time for the craziness!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Another day of Lasts

Walking to the shuttle for the last time ever.
I finished my last bunch of classes today and took my exit exam. Thank goodness that's over! When I come back next week for my only final, Johnny will drive me and I won't come onto campus this way. So this is the last time I'll walk this path. Sorry, probably a little too sentimental for some of you.
Another very exciting note is this was also the last time I will EVER ride the south lot shuttle. It's been the most miserable part of this semester. I spent 2 semesters car pooling with Kelli or getting dropped off so going back to the south lot was very sad. so all in all WOOHOO!

Bad luck for sporting events
So we went to a Isotopes game last Saturday night with Johnny's parents and Koury and Toria. It was fun, however, I think my disinterest in sporting events tends to be bad luck for the team and further increase my distaste. For example, I'd much rather be over here doing fun things.
I don't know if I've ever been to a really good game that will make me want to form some kind of loyalty to a specific team. The Isotopes lost, if you haven't caught that by now. They barely even got a couple runs. I have fun, but it's more the experience of being at the park with good friends, talking, eating, and so forth. I love all the crazy stunts like this one
We won't have this in Montana so I better take advantage of it now.
I don't know if I've ever been to a really good game that will make me want to form some kind of loyalty to a specific team. The Isotopes lost, if you haven't caught that by now. They barely even got a couple runs. I have fun, but it's more the experience of being at the park with good friends, talking, eating, and so forth. I love all the crazy stunts like this one
We won't have this in Montana so I better take advantage of it now.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Day by Day
10 days until I graduate and 41 until I move to Montana...
I remember when I first did the countdown and I had 40 days until I graduated, but now here we are, and I have 10. It's surreal. I still have a lot of work to finish up the semester so I don't feel like it's going to come so soon. Thankfully the announcements are out and it's one less thing I have to worry about, now I just have to plan the party! My mom's house at 7:30 on May 17th after my graduation!
Even more nuts is trying to figure out when and how we're getting to Montana. Should we go the 16th and load a small trailer (we'd have to leave behind any large furniture) which is the cheapest way. But then again we'd have to buy a new bed and some other things. Should we go up with just some suitcases on the 20th and my parents come up after camp with a larger trailer? Problem with that is that they'd have to bunk with us and we don't even know where we're living yet. Almost every big uhaul truck to move will cost us 1500 or more and I'm not really down with that. One of our most recent ideas is to go up to Montana after our San Fran trip and stay there for 2 weeks to find a house and help with camp, and then come back to ABQ to pack up just to turn around and go right back up. My parents would come up too but at least we'd be there to help them load and stuff. That would be really difficult though and we'd have to make sure that we tie off all loose ends before we even go to Cali. I know God will open the doors to the right one and make everything work out, I just had to cover and look at all our options. I'm not worried, we'll get up there one way or the other. The only thing I am worried about is this vacation to San Fran, which will cost us 1000, and I think it totally impractical. However, Johnny needs that time with his family and we've already committed so it's really hard to say no now. One of our options is to fly back half way through the trip so that we not only save a couple hundred but we also have more time to pack and whatnot. So if you see any really great flights from SF or Oakland to ABQ on June 10 or 11 let us know! ;-)
I remember when I first did the countdown and I had 40 days until I graduated, but now here we are, and I have 10. It's surreal. I still have a lot of work to finish up the semester so I don't feel like it's going to come so soon. Thankfully the announcements are out and it's one less thing I have to worry about, now I just have to plan the party! My mom's house at 7:30 on May 17th after my graduation!
Even more nuts is trying to figure out when and how we're getting to Montana. Should we go the 16th and load a small trailer (we'd have to leave behind any large furniture) which is the cheapest way. But then again we'd have to buy a new bed and some other things. Should we go up with just some suitcases on the 20th and my parents come up after camp with a larger trailer? Problem with that is that they'd have to bunk with us and we don't even know where we're living yet. Almost every big uhaul truck to move will cost us 1500 or more and I'm not really down with that. One of our most recent ideas is to go up to Montana after our San Fran trip and stay there for 2 weeks to find a house and help with camp, and then come back to ABQ to pack up just to turn around and go right back up. My parents would come up too but at least we'd be there to help them load and stuff. That would be really difficult though and we'd have to make sure that we tie off all loose ends before we even go to Cali. I know God will open the doors to the right one and make everything work out, I just had to cover and look at all our options. I'm not worried, we'll get up there one way or the other. The only thing I am worried about is this vacation to San Fran, which will cost us 1000, and I think it totally impractical. However, Johnny needs that time with his family and we've already committed so it's really hard to say no now. One of our options is to fly back half way through the trip so that we not only save a couple hundred but we also have more time to pack and whatnot. So if you see any really great flights from SF or Oakland to ABQ on June 10 or 11 let us know! ;-)
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