Friday, March 12, 2010

Skull Church 90 Day NT challenge

I've never read through the whole bible, never done a bible in a year deal, or anything like that. I always want to- I start in Genesis and read a chapter a day and it's great but about the time I hit Deuteronomy, I'm ready for a change and jump back into the Psalms or Proverbs and then read a couple books of the New Testament. I think I've read every book of the NT however, but never in order or even quickly. It's always been a chapter or less a day- breaking down the passages and looking for application through a single verse or thought. That's good, I know - but there is definitely something to be said to reading the Bible just to read it. 3 chapters or more a day and finishing off each book in a couple days helps you to get the overall theme of the book and can have just as much application as trying to dissect individual verses. I actually think, as difficult as it can sometimes be, reading the bible cover to cover can offer a lot more than jumping around from book to book in the bible in a year program. Or if not offer more, at least offer something valuable and different. We are now in Hebrews. What I'd like to do, is possibly share some of the thoughts or things that I've been learning through this. I wish I would have started this sooner really. Not only to share with you, but also for me. I'm not always good writing in a journal or if I do, it gets set aside and never looked at again, yet I often go back on my blog to look at old pics or read old posts. This can serve to remind me when these lessons begin to fade from my mind of what God showed me. I encourage you too to try this challenge- it's about 3 chapters a day starting in Matthew and working your way straight through to Revelation. Let me know how it works out for you!


Martha said...

I have never read all the way through the Bible in a year. I am quite certain I have real the whole Bible, just not all at once, and though I do have a tendency to jump around a bit, I have learned to at least read through a book at a time. Right now I am reading through Acts. (I previously read Job.) maybe one day I will read straight through. It could happen...

Martha said...

And perhaps one day I will learn to proof read my comments before posting them. :)