I can't believe I'm already 22 weeks along! It's flying by since we're always so busy. I've enjoyed being pregnant so far. It doesn't always seem real and the second trimester has been much more mellow than the first. Symptoms are few and far between, so on an everyday basis I barely know that I'm pregnant except that I don't fit in my old clothes and I get kicked in the side every so often. I had a brief experience with carpal tunnel for a couple days after drinking WAY too much caffeine over the course of summer camp- water retention + vein
constriction from caffeine= sore arms! I've also been on the go a LOT and moving around a lot so my feet are sore in the evening and I feel a bit swollen. We are getting really excited though!
The following 3 pics are from my 21 week ultrasound. Everything is accounted for- they checked for all the limbs and organs. Here are his little feet! One is a straight on view and the other is side angle.

A profile of his face. It looks like he's blowing bubbles! We couldn't get a face shot because he kept covering his face with his hands.

Here's proof he's a boy! no mistaking it, I'm pretty sure they are right and there won't be any surprises.

These pics are from when I got an ultrasound at 18 weeks.

I love that he's sucking his thumb!
Yipee yipee yipee! We're so excited for you! He's really cute by the way.
Very exciting! He's gorgeous! (of course)
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