The above pictures cover when we first found out at 5 weeks and our appointment at 6 weeks.
Well I am 15 weeks pregnant and we are so incredibly excited! It's been a fun experience so far despite some of the things that have come with it. I have had a "typical" pregnancy so far. Nausea for several months, headaches, round ligament pains, etc. and the symptoms have come and gone at all the "typical" times. 12 weeks hit and miraculously I was only nauseous 2 days a week instead of all of them and now it's gone. Headaches have picked up but our nurse midwife said that they should since I'm now working to create and pump 50% more blood than normal. These one feel like back issues though and oh how I miss Dr. Byrd, my chiropractor in ABQ! My stomach is slowly growing and I have to wear the belly band and use a rubber band on the button the first few days of freshly washed jeans.

The first picture is at 8.5 weeks, the second is at 11 weeks, and the third is at 12 weeks.
It's been really fun though just experiencing this all with Johnny. He has been excited to become a father for about a year now and having your spouse be equally excited about the little human in you is fantastic. We read about the development together and look at baby furniture together. He's always pulling up this baby name application on his phone and looking at different names. He even worked it out so we may be able to get another free ultrasound in the next week or so. This is just another step we've been able to take together and grow in together and I am so thankful that God has given him to me. We have been able to go through school together, changes, different jobs, moving, the loss of one baby, and now the growth of another and God has enriched our lives through all these experiences and shown us how we just need to love Him and each other more. I'm excited to be a parent, with all the trials and joys, and to share that with my love!
1 comment:
Having a baby is such an icredible experience! Enjoy it as much as you can this time around because with the second (and subsequent babies) you will be just slightly distracted. Keep posting. I'm excited to be able to share it with you.
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