Friday, August 8, 2008


I know it's a little hard to see but we're enjoying a drive-in movie in columbia falls. One of the few that are still in existence around the country.

We saw Journey to the Center of the Earth and Mamma Mia. It was really fun, the movies were cheesy but cute. They started at 9:30 and we didn't leave until 1:15. We even got to see a crazy lighting storm in the background. Tori had never been to a Drive-In before.


Katherine Johnson said...

I love JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH Ashley and I saw that movie!

Unknown said...

hay it is me miranda and i love that movie to it is awsome i also aw it wih kat and ashlry and ome of my friends

Bethany said...

Ooo, there is a drive-in movie theater that Adam and I went to a couple times in Avon NY. Now we have a kid and it is too far away to go. :(

Mandypenny said...

Que cute haha...I want to go to one of those :P Check it out sista...guess who is going to overdue it again...visit...I promise, I won't do any more blog pages..but there is a reason for this one :)