Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day one complete

Today we left for Montana. It was fairly emotional, at least for us girls. Last night my family came over to my in laws to say goodbye because we were leaving too early. I tried to be tough, but it's really hard when your 8 year old sister that you love to death is begging you not to go and crying her eyes out. And when your mom, who is your best friend, is trying not to cry and can't help it. It's hard, because I want to console them with something like "well it won't be that long" or "we'll be back in a year" but I can't promise that. I cried... A LOT! and I hate crying. This morning Toria and Koury came over to say goodbye. I got most of my tears out the night before but when Toria started crying, I got a little misty.

The morning was a little hectic. There was some miscommunication about the route. We had just said go up toward the farmington area through the lower corner of CO and into Utah. Well I meant I-40 out to Gallup and up, and Randy thought through Bernalillo and Farmington. Randy was in front of us and we didn't see which direction he went but we went our path, we didn't realize they weren't in front of us until Rio Grande. We had to get off at Coors and take it all the way through Rio Rancho. After that the trip was fairly smooth. We couldn't go much faster than 65 and that was going fast. We left at 8 (out of town officially) and got to Provo at 8. It should not have taken that long. The only thing eventful was that Randy almost hit a deer, thankfully he didn't because that would have not been a fun situation. There was tons of construction, that could have contributed as well.

We are staying at the Fairfield Inn, it was the first one off the freeway and had a continental breakfast so it sounded good to us. I really want to go swimming but my suit is trapped in my trunk under our bikes and bike rack. We'll leave tomorrow bright and early in hopes that we can actually make it to Kalispell in the 10 hrs googlemaps claims and be able to get situated. I really wanted to make it in time for service and in time to call our new Landlady and get her the security deposit for our new apartment. We can't move in until the 25, but we want to make sure that she doesn't lease it out to someone else.

On a semi-related but side note, I can't wait to eat home cooked food again. The last month we have eaten SOOOOO much fast food it's sickening. I didn't want to grocery shop when I needed to be emptying my fridge. Keep us in your prayers. One more day to go!


Doug and Amanda said...

Well, I am glad you made it to a place to rest. Sorry that it is taking longer than expected. I'm excited for you guys, but I am really going to miss you. We had lots of fun times together...not like those times have to end, but maybe just more spread out...

Martha said...

I can relate all too well with your story. When Jim left for Minnesota last year, I tried to hold it together, but when he started crying... well, then we all cried.

Through it all God is working in and growing Jim just as He is you and Johnny.